Behind the Lamp

Hi, I am Imari Mitchell, a simple gal with an extraordinary gift and desire to create art through photography and videography. I currently reside in Columbus, Ohio where I was born and raised. I am elated to be a part of the community of artisans and entrepreneurs on the rise in my city and throughout the world!
Now...Let's Light up the World !
Follow my personal instagram page @beingimari_
to get to know me better! I love to make new friends!
"In total, the average adult spends more than 20 hours a week online..."
This is a recent quote that I read when I came across an article regarding internet usage. I can only imagine how many pictures and videos were viewed within those 20 hours.
As the founder of Lamp Productions, I desire to infiltrate the media spectrum with LIGHT. Through Lamp Productions' art, I hope that people are inspired and provoked to challenge the narrative of what the media puts out. My desire is for my media to do more than just please the eye, but to change the way it is perceived.
"The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light.” - Matthew 6:22
I believe that we become what we behold. Behold light. Become love. Behold beauty. Become lovely.